Veranstaltungen und Reservationen
- 04.02.2024 (So), 12-14, FIST – Feministisches Internationalistisches Solidarisches Treffen
- 14.2.24 (Mi), res. für queer_trans_bipoc performer_innen community based selfcare tag
- 25.2.24 (So), 12-15, Free Nekane Buchprojekt
- 29.2.24 (Do), soli-dine together
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29.2.24 (Do), soli-dine together
29.2.24 come to soli-dinner at fraum for fraum!because there is still a rent to pay and because it’s always so nice to meet each other at Mattengasse. Bring a friend or more then one and send an email to if u are coming. so that we can cook enough food for everyone 😉 Bis dann