Veranstaltungen und Reservationen
- 1.11.22 (Di), OpenOffice, 10-17Uhr
- 1.11.22 (Di), 19:30-21h, Zurich Poetry Club Open Mic
- 3.11.22 (Do), res. 16-18h, Generationengespräche
- 4.11.22 (Fr), Romanescos feiern queeren Geburtstag!, res. ab 16 Uhr
- 5.11.22 (Sa), res. 13:30 – 16:30, Das queere 5i (Sitzung)
- 7.11.22 (Mo), res. 18-20h, fraum-Forschung
- 8.11.22 (Di), OpenOffice, 10-17Uhr
- 9.11.22 (Mi), 9:30-14:30, res. für Golden Girls, Frauen- und Lesbengeschichte
- 9.11.22 (Mi), Freud-Lesegruppe, ab 19:00 Uhr
- 11.11.22 (Fr.), ab 16.30, Gespräch mit Klaudia Jachira, organisiert von DziewuCHy.
- 12.11.22 (Sa), 10.30 -14.30h, FIST – feministisches, internationalistisches, solidarisches, offenes Treffen
- 15.11.22 (Di), OpenOffice, 10-17Uhr
- 17.11.22 (Do), 14-16h, Lektüregruppe Der Schnitt. Weibliche Subjektivität
- 16.11.22 (Mi), 15-17h, res. für fraum-Forschung
- 18.11.22 (Fr), res. ab 17h für fraum-Forschung
- 22.11.22 (Di), OpenOffice, 10-17Uhr (TODAY CLOSED)
- 25.11.22 (Fr), ab 16:30h, Katrinchen-Wintermarkt: Selbstgemachtes von DziewuCHy. Kiermasz zimowy Katarzynki – Rękodzieło DziewuCHowe
- 26.11.22 (Sa), 10.30 -14.30h, FIST – feministisches, internationalistisches, solidarisches, offenes Treffen
- 29.11.22 (Di), OpenOffice, 10-17Uhr
1.11.22 (Di), 19:30-21h, Zurich Poetry Club Open Mic
Zurich Poetry Club is happy to announce another open mic event! We are a group of poets and writers who are interested in reading and sharing our work together in a comfortable and informal environment. While we mostly share writing in English, we absolutely welcome work in other languages but kindly ask if you could also read a translation in English.
While we focus on poetry, we are also happy for people to also share short fiction, plays or experimental hybrid pieces that can’t be categorized. A sign up sheet will be provided at the event and everyone is free to sign up. We welcome all abilities, from hobbyists to those who have been published. Reading time will be limited to 5 minutes, including any introductory remarks (don’t worry, we are not strict about it).
You are, of course, not required to share your own work and should feel encouraged to attend simply to enjoy listening to other writers read their original work.
Looking forward to meeting you there!
Stan and Yun